Campus Parking

  • Visitor parking is permitted in designated visitor/student parking lots and spaces, provided a valid visitor ePermit is associated with the vehicle.
  • ePermits may be purchased from the pay stations located in lots throughout campus. Additionally, Park Mobile is available in most visitor lots throughout campus, allowing visitors to skip the pay station and conveniently pay for parking through their phone.
  • Pay station short-term ePermits are non-refundable and cannot be applied to the purchase of a long-term permit. 
  • If parked at a meter, the meter must be paid. 
  • For Arts & Lectures events at Campbell Hall, visit this page:



Valid Parking Locations

Certain lots allow visitor parking at all times, while others allow visitor parking only after 5:00pm and on weekends. Several lots are reserved for specific permit types and allow no visitor parking at any time. Please refer to the lot entrance sign to be assured that visitor parking is allowed within the lot.

Visitor permits are valid for parking in time-restricted parking spaces for the time designated. e.g., 20, 30 or 40 minute green curb spaces. Other restrictions may apply to specific spaces or areas within a lot or parking structure.

The permit is not valid for example, in Faculty "A", Staff "B", Coastal Access, Reserved, Restricted, Service, Vendor spaces.  Additionally, the permit is not valid in university-owned residential housing parking lots and structures ("H" Permit lots).

Click to view the Short Term Rates table.



Coastal Access Parking

Coastal Access parking in designated Coastal Access spaces is open to the public on weekdays between 7:30am and 5:00pm. During these hours, your vehicle must be associated with a Coastal Access ePermit, which has a four-hour time limit. One to four-hour permits may be purchased from onsite pay station or via the ParkMobile App in some locations. After hours and on weekends, the Coastal Access spaces are open to all valid UCSB permit-holders.

Visitors to UCSB’s scenic shoreline may find four-hour Coastal Parking parking in 6 Parking, 10 Parking, 22 Parking, 23 Parking, 5 Parking, or at the south end of Ocean Road.



Metered Parking

Card-reading meters have been installed throughout campus.  These meters accept payment by major credit cards and rates vary by location. 

The maximum time on a meter is posted on the meter and varies by location.  When parking at a parking meter at UCSB, the meter must be paid and operational the entire time the vehicle is parked. 

If you find a meter that is out of order, we ask that you call the number on the meter, (805) 893-4445, so that it can be repaired right away.

Please note that ePermits are not valid for parking at meters. 

Meters in Lot 3:  Metered parking in Lot 3 is the same as metered parking anywhere else at UCSB:  payment must be made at the meter and the meter must be operational the entire time the vehicle is parked.  Any time left on a meter is not transferable, meters will reset the time remaining to zero the moment a car pulls out of a space.

When parking between the hours of 7:30am – 5:00pm Monday through Friday, the rates for parking at the metered spaces mirror rates for Gold Space Permit parking in other locations on campus – e.g., a full day of parking costs $12.00. 



Weekend Overnight Parking Restrictions

The weekend overnight visitor parking restrictions is implemented by UCSB Transportation & Parking Services (TPS) every Friday and Saturday night.  These restrictions are intended to keep the UCSB campus safe and secure, and to limit use of campus parking by late-night and overnight visitors to Isla Vista.

All visitor permits issued from campus permit dispensers that would normally be set to expire at 7:30am Saturday or Sunday, will instead expire at 11:59pm on Friday and Saturday nights. No visitor permits will be sold from permit dispensers on Friday nights from 10:00pm through Saturday mornings at 5:00am, and on Saturday nights from 10:00pm through Sunday mornings at 5:00am.

The violation for weekend overnight visitor parking on Saturdays and Sundays between 12:00am and 5:00am (i.e., parking without a permit, or parking with an expired or invalid visitor permit) will carry a fine amount of $100


  • ePermits are not transferable between friends or family members.

  • You will not receive a physical permit, because your license plate acts as your permit number. Your vehicle's license plate must be affixed to the exterior of the vehicle, unobstructed, and visible from the drive aisle of the parking lot or structure in order to be valid.  You may be subject to citation if you neglect to associate your license plate on your eParking account at