New ePermit Parking System


All UCSB parking permits have transitioned to a virtual ePermit parking system. The UCSB ePermit system works by associating your vehicle’s license plate with your individual parking account. The UCSB ePermit allows one vehicle to be associated with your parking ePermit.  Upon application please be prepared to provide a copy of your vehicle's current DMV registration (registration must be in your or your family's name).


First-Year Resident Parking Policy

First-year students, including those with enough credits to be classified as sophomores, are prohibited from bringing vehicles to campus during their first year (fall through spring quarters). They are not eligible to purchase any campus parking ePermits, including daily, weekly, or quarterly permits.


Main Campus Residence Halls include:  

  • Anacapa
  • Manzanita Village
  • San Miguel 
  • San Nicolas 
  • San Rafael
  • Santa Cruz
  • Santa Rosa  
  • and off Campus Santa Catalina  

These Residence Halls are typically occupied by first-year students.  Residents of these complexes are not eligible to purchase any campus parking ePermits, including daily, weekly, or quarterly permits.

For eligible students Residence Hall Parking on the Main Campus will be located – Structure 22, (H22) and designated areas in Lot 23 (H23). 

UC Santa Barbara is committed to being a good neighbor. Surrounding communities and private businesses have parking policies in place.  Parking in these areas may subject you to citations or tows.  Students that live in UC residential facilities without a long-permit should not bring a vehicle to campus.

Eligible returning students (Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors) living in Campus Apartments must purchase an "H" parking ePermit for their designated area. Parking assignments are based on housing location:

  • El Dorado – H43 
  • Santa Ynez – H57
  • Sierra Madre – H65
  • Westgate – H44
  • San Joaquín – There is no on-site parking available; parking is located one mile away in Structure 50 (H50).
  • Residence Halls (Main Campus) – H22 (Structure 22) and designated areas in Lot 23 (H23) for eligible students. 

Parking ePermits are limited, are not guaranteed and issued on a first-come, first-served basis and may be located up to a mile away from your complex. We recommend that you plan on not having a vehicle and use other means of transportation to travel to off-campus destinations.
If you do not receive a parking ePermit please do not bring a car with you to UCSB. Other parking options, including street parking in Isla Vista, are not available.  

Applications for parking will not be accepted until you receive your housing assignment in early September.

First-year students are encouraged to use alternative transportation, including:

  • MTD bus service (free with UCSB student ID)
  • Zipcar
  • Bike racks and lockers
  • Taxi/Uber/Lyft
  • FLIX Bus, Amtrak, Coastal Express

Students with an extenuating circumstance may apply for an exception.

  • Exception requests require appropriate justification but must not include medical documentation.
  • A limited number of exceptions will be granted, all decisions are considered final.
  • The exception request form will be available beginning August 1, 2025.

Important: Exception requests must be approved before bringing a vehicle to campus. Only applications submitted with a UCSB email will be reviewed.

Students are expected to adhere to the policy and not bring vehicles to campus. UCSB works with its neighbors to minimize traffic, and students play a vital role in maintaining this commitment.

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How Do I Apply?

Apply for your ePermit online by clicking here. Upon creating your account, you will then submit a ePermit approval request.  Upon application please be prepared to provide a copy of your vehicle's DMV registration (registration must be in your or your family's name)

  1. Our office will verify your ePermit eligibility and email you (typically within 48 hours) with an approval or request for additional information.
  2. Once approved, return to your account online to complete your purchase.  You will receive a confirmation email receipt.  Note: you are not allowed to park prior to completing your ePermit purchase. 
  3. Contact Parking Services at (805) 893-2346 or via email at if you do not receive a confirmation. 
  4. Your vehicle license plate is your parking ePermit, be sure to reference the Parking Guidelines provide at checkout.  


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ePermit Returns and Refunds

Contact Parking Services to determine if you qualify for a refund. See here for more information about our ePermit return policy.


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  • In order for an ePermit to be valid, the vehicle's license plate must be affixed to the exterior of the vehicle, unobstructed, and fully visible from the drive aisle of the parking lot or structure.
  • Parking ePermits are granted for the purpose of transportation to and from campus. Garaging (storing) your vehicle on campus is prohibited unless you are an "H" ePermit holder with an active lease agreement in the assigned parking lot.
  • Parking ePermits are issued solely by Parking Services and are assigned after verification of eligibility. 
  • ePermits are not transferable between friends or family members.
  • ePermits are issued when the applicant has paid the required fee, resolved all delinquent parking citations and provided proof of eligibility.
  • Failure to provide and maintain accurate information on the parking ePermit application may result in citation, fine, the loss of parking privileges and referral to the Campus Police or the Dean of Students for disciplinary action.
  • You will not receive a physical permit, because your license plate acts as your ePermit number. You may be subject to citation if you neglect to associate your license plate on your Parking account at